Contemplate Poetry & Prose
Immersing yourself in a good poem or prose can have many positive impacts on your thinking. For example, it can lead you to new awareness and insights, give you a sense of connection with others, comfort you, raise your self-compassion, help you cope with your own suffering or be more empathic regarding other’s suffering, inspire you to make positive changes in your life and the world around you or continue on a path to wisdom, even when it is challenging.
To cultivate appreciation and curiosity for poetry and prose, it is important to allow yourself the time and space first to deeply read each piece and then to take in the words being offered and reflect upon their meaning and their application to your life. Taking in the words and reflection might be done by sitting quietly after reading. Or you might want to highlight certain sections of words and/or journal about them. You could discuss the poem or prose with others who have read them. You could take a walk and record your thoughts about the poem or prose on your phone audio recorder. There are lots of options for reflection–which forum depends on what works for you at any given time.
Here is one source for suggestions for inspiring poetry and prose: Collections | Poetry Foundation. For example, one collection is Poems of Hope and Resilience, another is Poetry and Racial Justice and Equality and yet another is Poems About Motherhood.
Of course, if you are a music lover, music lyrics are a close cousin to poetry and can be explored in much the same way. Many faith-based prayers also have the feel of poetry and prose.
Reach out to us if you have suggestions for additional suggestions of poetry and prose that speak to you. Additionally, don’t be afraid to try your own hand at poetry/prose writing–it is a great form of self-expression and investigation. See Writing for Self-Care.