• Mindfulness Prompts & Exercises

    Mindfulness involves paying attention in the present moment, intentionally and without judgment. It is practiced through the observation and acceptance of your thoughts, emotions and sensations. Mindfulness practice—when you commit to making mindfulness a habit in your life–is about being willing to notice where your thoughts, emotions and sensations take you, and then bringing your attention back to the present. (In part from ptsd.va.gov)

    Particularly over the past decade, mindfulness has worked its way into the world of mental health because of its benefits to cognition and mental well-being (therapistaid.com). Routine mindfulness activities can be useful for people who want to increase their self-awareness, compassion and satisfaction in their lives.

    Related: See Why is Mindfulness Important?

    Some Free Online Resources

    Here are a handful of free online resources for prompts to raise your mindfulness and anchor yourself in the moment. They range from prompts for writing and journaling, art activities and movement. 




    Writing by Hand

    Also see our website’s related resources: Inspiration – Mindful Counseling Center LLC (mindful-counseling-center.com) 

    Resources compiled by Kristin Littel